Lepidoptera. Superb 18th century engraving of moths, c1788
Stick Insect, Phasma necydaloides fine hand-coloured steel engraving c1840.
George Edwards bird with butterfly, etched and engraved c1750.
Superb large Spider and eight small spiders. Antique print c1808.
Argynnis Butterflies antique print. Hand-coloured lithograph. Humphreys c1860.
Half-framed Australian Preying Mantis, New Holland Mantis, c1815.
Comma and Tortoiseshell butterflies, chrysalis, caterpillar. Antique print c1860.
Mantis strumaria and larva antique print. George Shaw c1805.
Argynnis Butterflies with yellow Viola lutea. Humphreys lithograph c1849.
Lizars, Prionus corticinus & Lophonocerus Barbicornis. Jardines Natural History. c1835
Argynnis Butterflies. caterpillars, chrysalis, pink and blue flowers.
Lizars, Lucanus & Chiasognathus Insects engraving c1835