Jamaica antique print. St Catherine's Harbour. Anson's Voyage, c1748
East prospect of Juan Fernandes Island antique print. Anson, c1748.
Patagonia, north of Port St. Julian. Anson's Voyage c1748.
Mexico. Entrance of the Port of Acapulco. Anson, c1748
MEXICO. View of Entrance of CHEQUETAN or SEGUATANEO. c1748
Chile. Cumberland Bay, Juan Fernandes. 4 ships, Anson c1748
NW Saypan, Ladrone or Marian Islands. Anson Voyages c1748
China. Wanshan Archipelago (previous Lema and Ladrone Islands) Anson c1748
Peru. Various Boats, Barks &c. Middleton antique print c1778
Boats off Calais. Sailing boats, beautiful marine scene, c1826
Brighthelmston view. Dramatic sky and sea. Antique Print c1825
Canal of Dort. Beautiful engraving by Fittler after Cuyp c1808