John Gould Phalangista fuliginosa, Brush-tailed Possum c1863.
KOALA BRUN. Beautiful rare Brown Koala with skull. c1853.
John Gould Phascolomys Latifrons, Broad-fronted Wombat, Australian marsupial c1863
John Gould Filander, Durcopsis Bruni hand-coloured lithograph c1863
John Gould Australian Hapalotis Mitchellii, Mitchell's Hopping Mouse, c1863
Queensland Tree-Kangaroo antique print. Australian Tree Kangaroo c1896.
Macropus Parryi, Lizars engraving. Parry's Wallaby antique print.
Macropus Bennettii, Lizars engraving. Macropus rufogriseus antique print c1841.
Macropus penicillatus. Australian Brush-tailed Kangaroo antique print c1841
Banded Hare-Wallaby family. Pouched Kangaroo family. Lithograph c1840.
Australian Pademelon Wallaby antique print. Thétis (Halmaturus Thetis).
Phascolarctos fuscus, Native of Australia. Koala engraving c1841