Rose-coloured Garden Party Dress. La Robe Rose. Dammy c1913.
L'Empire du Monde. World Empire, George Barbier 1920s fashion
L'Indiscréte (The Indiscretion) Gazette du Bon Ton fashion c1914.
Lassitude. Deshabillée pochoir by Georges Lepape c1922.
Have You Been Good? As-tu Ete Sage? Brissaud, c1919
Serge Galonnée (Braided Serge), Bon Ton Sketch 15.
The Maestro, El Relicario Cello music, & Violin, c1920
Framed. La Glace. Un Coup d'Oeil en Passant. Fashion c1922.
Framed. Pour le Golf. Lady Golf Clothes. Thayaht fashion pochoir c1924.
Pendant les Modèles. Vionnet Modelling session. Thayaht pochoir c1922.
Lady Golfer with Golf Clubs. Costumes Parisiens c1913
Les Belles Dames du Paravent. (with screen) Pochoir c1925