Christening fashions: He hasn't cried. Tomorrow's defense, c1922.
Horse-riding Lesson. Tiens-toi bien! (Be good!) Brissaud pochoir c1914
La Coiffure Réparée (Fixing her hair). Fashion pochior c1914.
Bonne Chasse! Mother and Children wave goodbye c1913.
Que vous etes belle Maman. (You are beautiful Mummy) c1922
L'Amour en cage. Cupid under control, caged. Pochoir c1914.
Say Hello. (Tu diras bonjour.) Antique fashion print c1914.
La Visite. Gazette du Bon Ton by Brissaud c1920
1920s fashion by Barbier. La Chambre Bleue d'Arthenice.
Children at the Zoo: Let's see the monkeys. Brissaud, c1921
In Beaulieu Garden. Beaulieu dans les Fleurs. c1920
My Poor Lawn. Ma Pauvre Gazon! Brissaud pochoir c1913.