Gould Birds of Great Britain, Rough-Legged Buzzard, Archibuteo Lagopus, c1862
Burmese Falcon, Poliohierax Insignis, male & female. Keulemans c1876.
John Gould Orange-Legged Hobby, Erythropus Vespertinus, Great Britain, c1862
The White Hawke. Antique engraving after Sarah Stone c1790
18th century. The Spotted Falcon from Hudson's Bay. c1763
Keulemans Labrador Falcon, Falco Labradorus. John Gerrard Keulemans c1876.
Keulemans Sore Sparrow Hawk, Accipter Nisus lithograph c1878.
George Shaw, Imperial Eagle superb bird of prey c1808
Crowned Eagle in all his finery - and talons, c1808.
Erne. Grand Sea Eagle antique print. F.O. Morris c1864.
Bird of Prey highlighted against uncoloured background c1848
Golden Eagle chromolithograph by John Gerrard Keulemans c1894.