Genie d'Apollon (Genie of Apollo). Cherub in Chariot.
Amour triomphant (Love triumphant). Cherubs and a Chariot.
Beautiful Music-themed decoration of Classical Urn. Pergolesi design.
Classical Urn with an Art theme. Pergolesi design
January "Janvier" classical calendar panel print from 18th century.
February "Fevrier" classical calendar panel print from 18th century.
March "Mars" classical calendar panel print, from 18th century.
April "Avril" print of 18th century classical calendar panel.
May "Mai" 18th century classical calendar panel print.
June "Juin" print of 18th century classical calendar panel.
July "Juillet" 18th century classical calendar panel print.
August "Aout" print. 18th century classical wall panel.