Michael Faraday, physicist. Beautiful portrait engraving proof-plate c1873.
"Telegraphs." Mr. John Pender, Vanity Fair lithograph c1871.
"The Railway Interest" Vanity Fair caricature with mutton-chops, c1875.
Fire Rescue by Catherine Robaine pres Nancy. Antique Print c1810
Sketches in South Australia. Adelaide, Clarendon vineyard, Collingrove, Kapunda.. c1877
World Peoples. Chinese, Laplander, Hottentot, Negro, American Indian. c1821
"The Scientific Use of the Imagination." Tyndall caricature c1872.
Great Solar Eclipse of 1858. Antique print.
Geology. 10 examples of Earth's Strata. Pl.3 -antique print c1818
Burra Burra Copper Mines, South Australia. Skinner Prout c1874
Gold Formations. Gold Deposits. Mineralogy antique engraving. Sherer c1853.
Wine-making in Chile. Grape-gathering near Santiago. Antique Print c1889