Isles de Salomon, Nouvelle Zelande. Solomon Islands, c1683.
17thC South Pole. Continent Meridional Austral ou Antarctique. Mallet c1683.
Asiae status naturalis. South-east Asia..North-west Australia c1710.
Antarctica, Australia and Holy Ghost Land antique map. Buache, c1763.
Superbly FRAMED: Asia, pars Australis Insulae.. Scherer antique map c1710
FRAMED Tallis Australia antique map with decorative vignettes c1851.
Carte Reduite des Terres Australes. Supposed east coast. Bellin c1753
Bellin antique map of Pacific Ocean and Australia c1753.
Nouvelle Galles Méridle. ou Côte Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande. c1788
Rare Captain Cook New Zealand antique map c1774.
Cook's antique map, North Queensland from Cape Tribulation c1774
Captain Cook. East Coast of New Holland. French edition c1774