Abitatori della Nuova Olanda. Inhabitants of New Holland. c1812.
Blackstone Commentaries of Law. William Earl of Mansfield. c1793
Captain Cook portrait with signature. Fine antique engraving c1886
Cherubs with Susan, Lady Bellasys. Beautiful Portrait engraving c1838.
Hans Holbein portrait of Lord Clinton. Bartolozzi engraving.
Lord Raglan, Crimean War British Commander-in-Chief. Tallis engraving.
Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Right Hon. Lord Lytton, Indian Viceroy c1878.
Aboriginal Marriage Ceremonies. Gna-loung and Marriage Preliminaries. Engraving c1835.
Earl of Cardigan, Commander, Cavalry Charge at Balaklava, 1854.
Elizabeth, Countess of Chesterfield portrait with cherub. Engraving c1838.
Holbein portrait of John Russell, Lord Privy Seal. Bartolozzi engraving c1796