Fasciated Mullet. Doubtful Sparus. Beautiful, rare antique print c1790.
The Atherine. The Tobacco-Pipe Fish. The Remora. Australian fish c1790.
Australian Cyprinaceous Labrus. The Hippocampus or Sea-Horse c1790.
Australian Pungent Chaetedon. Granulated Balistes. Australian fish engraving c1790
The Southern Cottus. The Flying Fish John White, c1790
A Feather of the Cassowary. Aboriginal Fish Hooks c1790.
Red Earshell of New Holland. Haliiotis Ruber Bivalve c1801.
New-Holland Spatangus. Australian Heart-shaped Sea Urchin c1814.
Australian Seashells. Voluta Zebra, Voluta Lineata. Nodder c1814.
Blood-red Terebratula. Australian Bivalve Seashell. R.P.Nodder c1814.
Watts's Shark. Front view of mouth. (Spotted Wobbegong) c1789.
A Fish of New South Wales. Bag-throated Balistes c1789.