Edward Lear Festive Parrot, Psittacus festivus from South America, c1836.
Edward Lear Arara Patagonica conure parrot. Engraving c1836.
Edward Lear parrot, Sapphire-crowned Psittacule, engraved by Lizars
Edward Lear Great Green Maccaw, Macrocercus militaris c1836
Edward Lear Noble Parrot Maccaw, Psittacara Nobilis c1836.
Edward Lear parrot, Palaeornis Malaccensis, Malacca Ring-Parrakeet, c1836.
Lear, Red and Blue Maccaw, Macrocercus Aracanga c1836
Purple-Capped Lory, Lorius domicellus. Native of the Moluccas c1836.
Grey Parrot antique print c1884. Psittacus erithacus.
Indonesian Ornate Lorikeet. Trichoglossus ornatus, lithograph. Seth-Smith c1903.
Psittacula Kuhlii. Kuhl's Lorikeet of South Pacific Islands, c1836
Nestorpapagei. Kaka parrots of New Zealand. Brehm's Tierleben c1864.