Admiralty Islands. Vue des Iles de l'Amiraute, Naturels. D'Urville c1834
NZ Maori King Tawhiao. Matutaera, POTATAU II tattoos.
Tahiti. View of Otaheite with Several Vessels belonging to that Island c1778.
Caiman Crocodile. Caiman de la Nouvelle Irelande. Pirogue canoe c1835
Easter Island Woman & Man head-studies. Captain Cook c1784.
Head of a Warrior of New Zealand. Cook c1774.
Tahiti. Flotte de Taiti. Chief and Tahitian Fleet. c1834
Hawaii Kealakekua Bay. Vessels of Cook. Antique print. c1835
Natives at Dorei. Birds of Paradise. Dumont d'Urville, c1834.
New Zealand Warriors, Tahitian Natives. Defying their Enemies.
Tahiti. Fleet of Otaheite assembled at Oparee. Cook's voyage, c1774.
Hawaii. Inland View in Atooi (Kauii), Sandwich Islands. Cook c1780