Tahiti. Natives of Otaheite, attacking Captn. Wallis. Cook's 1773 expedition. c1780
Hawaii. Kau-ike-uli King of the Hawaiian Islands. c1834
Marshall Islands. Naturel des Iles Radak. Arms, Utensils, Ornaments. D'Urville c1834
NZ Maori King Toupe Koupa. Maori Shongui greeting c1835.
Tahiti View of Huaheine. Captain Cook, Society Islands. c1780
Hawaii. Night Dance by Women, in Hapaee. Cook c1784.
Hone Heke, Maori King hand-coloured engraving with text c1888.
PNG. Natives, Aiguade, Havre Carteret, New Ireland. D'Urville c1834
Tahiti. Interview between Capt. Wallis and Oberea. Cook c1790
Hawaii. Terreoboo, King of Owhywee. Presents, Captn. Cook. c1780
Palau. Debarcadere, Pelew. Abba-Tulle Chef de Pelew. D'Urville c1834
Tahiti. Surrender of Tahiti to Captain Wallis. Oberea. Captain Cook c1780.