John Gould Australian Teal, Mareca Punctata (Anas Punctata) c1840-48.
Gould Shoveller Ducks lithograph, John Gould Spatula Clypeata c1863
Keulemans lithograph of Chen Albatus, Cassin's Snow Goose c1877.
Keulemans Mallard Duck. Delightful little lithograph c1875 (8-ply mount)
Keulemans, Andaman Teal. Nettion albigulare. Chromolithograph c1904.
George Edwards Grand Duck, etched and engraved copperplate c1745.
Greater Whistling Teal. Small antique Duck print. Keulemans, c1904.
Lesser Whistling Teal. Small antique Duck print. Groenvold c1904.
John Gould Nyroca Leucophthalmos, Ferruginous Duck or White-eyed Pochard lithograph c1870.
John Gould Birds of Great Britain, Grey-Lag Goose, Anser Ferus. c1870.
The Shoveller. Spatula clypeata antique lithograph by Gronvold c1904.
John Gould Brent Goose, Bernicla Brenta. Gould Birds of Great Britain c1870.