Barozzi Porta Della Vigna del Reu Patriarcha Grimagno. c1764
Great English School. Eton College, carriages, horses and people c1862
Occipital and Temporal Cranium, Anatomy by Bourgery. N-H Jacob c1850.
The New Assize Courts, and St. Georges Hall, Liverpool c1840.
World Peoples. Chinese, Laplander, Hottentot, Negro, American Indian. c1821
"The Scientific Use of the Imagination." Tyndall caricature c1872.
18thC legal portrait. Sir Creswell Levinz, by Kneller
Caius College, Cambridge. Gonville College, Cambridge engraving c1854
Facade of Palazzo Entrance. Barozzi architectural elevation c1764
Superb Medical Anatomy. Muscles enclosing abdomen. Lithograph c1842
Blackstone's Legal Commentaries. John, Lord Somers. Engraving c1793
Ear Anatomy. Organs of Sense. Rees medical engraving c1808.