Gold Formations. Gold Deposits. Mineralogy antique engraving. Sherer c1853.
Legal. Blackstone Commentaries c1793. Sir Michael Foster Kt.
Vignola Architectural engraving of two Corinthian capitals, c1764
Blackstone Commentaries of Law. William Earl of Mansfield. c1793
Corinthian and Ionic Capital Architecture of Barozzi da Vignola. c1764
Hospital Ships for China. Screw steamship floating hospitals c1860.
Ormond College antique print. Melbourne University affiliated residence.
Composite & Ionic Capital and Cornice profiles, c1764
Infectious disease... prevention of cholera in London c1853
Legal portrait antique print. Sir Edward Coke. Common Law c1793.
Wine-making in Chile. Grape-gathering near Santiago. Antique Print c1889
Sir Thomas Littelton Kt. Blackstone Commentaries antique print, c1792.