Ear Anatomy. Organs of Sense. Rees medical engraving c1808.
by Rees, Abraham
Medical Anatomy of the Organs of the Senses. Plate 2 engraved c1808.
Original copperplate engraving, published for a series of portraits of famous and unusual Natural History subjects, for “The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature” by Abraham Rees, published between 1805 and 1820 by different combinations of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown of Paternoster Row, London.
This early encylopedia was the brainchild of Presbyterian minister and scholar, Abraham Rees (1743-1825) who had, for many years, revised “Chamber’s Cyclopaedia”. Rees’s Cyclopaedia appeared in parts which finally encompassed 39 volumes of text, and 6 volumes of plates which included an atlas, one volume on natural history, and four volumes covering agriculture, geology, the remaining sciences, foreign exploration, technology, the arts.. This work was by far the most comprehensive of the early 19th century. With over 240 copperplate engravings in each volume, and several images to each page, it provides today an amazing insight into how the world was then viewed.
The size of this image is 265 x 200mm (10.5 x 8 inches).
Stock Number: apRees.med2Price: $110.00