Buzzard raptor, Buteo Intermedius lithograph. Von Wright c1927.
Jardine, Numida Meleagris, Guinea Fowl, fine Lizars engraving c1835
John Gould White-headed Petrel, Procellaria Lessonii lithograph c1848.
Nuyens. Finches with nest. Lithograph c1882 by T'Felt for Nuyens
Palm Cockatoo. Microglossus aterrrimus, Goliah Aratoo. Lizars c1836
Wild Ducks Anas (boschas). Mounted engraving. Specht c1896.
Broinowski Biziura Lobata (Eyton), Australian Musk Duck c1890
Edward Lear Barraband Ring Parrakeet. Palaeornis Barrabandi, c1836.
Guinea Bird, Cock, Turkey engraving, Pauquet c1833
John Gould bird lithograph Procellaria conspicillata Spectacled Petrel, c1848
Nuyens. Antique print of birds nest with birds. Lithograph by T'Felt c1882
Triorchis lagopus, now Buteo lagopus. Rough-legged Buzzard lithograph c1927