Malmsbury Market Cross, Wiltshire. The Market Cross in Malmsbury c1785
Bedericsworthe or Eadmundstow, now Bury St. Edmund. c1785
Mathematician, Pythagoras's School in Cambridge. Antique print c1785
Priory of Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire. Early illustration c1785.
Richard's Augustinian nunnery. Burnham Abbey, Buckinghamshire. Grose view c1785
Roman Amphitheatre near Dorchester in Dorset. Maumbury. Grose c1785
Roman Camp at Pomery or Poundbury, Dorchester, c1785
Shulbred Priory: Shelbred Priory, Sussex. Augustinian Priory Woolynchmere, c1785
St German's Priory. St. Germain's Priory, Cornwall. c1785
Surrey. Inside of Catherine Hill Chapel, Surry. Grose c1785
The Church of Walton on the Naize, Essex. c1785
St. Germain's Priory, now Port Elliot, Cornwall. Grose c1785