Tahiti. Ceding Territory of Matavai to the Missionaries. D'Urville c1835
Tahiti. Hospitable Island Natives of Otaheite. Antique engraving c1780
Tahiti. Otoo, King of Otaheite. Tynai-Mai, principal Lady. c1780
Tahiti. Otouri. Oupa-parou. Basalt rock at Tahiti. D'Urville c1834
Tahiti. Pomare. Un Toupapau (elevated burial place). D'Urville c1834
Tahiti. Portrait of Potatow. Portrait of Omai. Cook c1780
Tahiti. Principal village of Raiatea. Pomare, King. D'Urville c1834
Tahiti. Surrender of Otaheite to Captn. Wallis. Oberea.
Tahiti. Ulietea (Raiatea) Inhabitants, Double Canoe. Middleton c1777
Tahiti. Un Toupapau. Divinities de Taiti. Traditions & Superstitions c1834
Marquesas. Chef de Tao-Wati, Vallon a Nouka-hiva. D'Urville c1834
Marquesas. Femmes de Nouka-hiva. Interieur d'une Case. D'Urville c1834