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Framed, Perspective view of Raphael frescoes in Vatican Loggia c1802.

Framed, Perspective view of Raphael frescoes in Vatican Loggia c1802.

by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

Framing the Loggia to the grand private entrance at the Vatican, Raphael's decoration is surmounted by a portrait of the great Renaissance artist, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), held aloft by classical putti. The grandeur and proportions of the Loggia are emphasized by people in the foreground in contemporary dress.

This superb plate was the frontispiece to the smaller edition of this grand work, Les Loges peintes a Rome au palais du Vatican, par Raphael Santi d’Urbino, 'The Loggia painted in Rome at the palace of the Vatican by Raffaello Santi (usually, Sanzio) da Urbino. engraved by Giovanni Balzar from the drawing by Francesco Rainaldi after the design by Luca Camporini. Published Rome c.1787 by Niccolo di Antoni at Via del Corso N.35.

A beautiful engraving published 10 years after the initial grand edition of (joined-)copperplate engravings were commissioned by Pope Clement XIII to record the brilliant frescoes painted by Raphael and his assistants over 250 years earlier - during 1518 and 1519 (Raphael's final work in decorating the private Vatican apartments, as commissioned by Pope Leo X). The superb rich gouache colour (likened to the style of oil painting) was of a later date. The colour is unlike any other coloured engravings of his frescoes. In style and tone it is more similar to the richness of the colours used by Raphael when his frescoes were first painted.

This beautiful rare engraving encapsulates the grandeur of Raphael's exceptional fresco decoration of the Vatican Loggia - in a superbly embellished hand-finished gold frame. External frame size is 72cm x 61cm.

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Stock Number: apRaph.froPrice: $1,950.00
