Tallis map. World on Mercators Projection. Antique Map c1851
by John Tallis & Company
Mercator Projection map. Steamship Route Around the World c1851.
Published circa 1851-3 for their General Atlas, Tallis and Company established their reputation in both London and New York as publishers of high quality books and grand atlases, by illustrating them with fine steel engravings, and embellishing each with small engraved "vignettes". Their maps were surrounded by finely engraved borders, and small engravings of important cities, native flora, fauna and people.
The publishing firm of Tallis flourished from 1835 to 1860. Their maps were among the last decorative maps published, as this extra labour-intensive skilled work added to the cost of production. Although the regions within the map were outlined at the time of publication, the map has been hand-tinted with watercolour at a later date, which certainly adds to its decorative appeal.
Map approximate size 28 x 36 cm (11 x 14 inches).
Stock Number: amTal6Price: $600.00