Stunning large print of Pink Peony. George Edwards engraving.
by Edwards, George
Elegant very large dark pink Peony, printed in 1996 from a watercolour circa 1760 by George Edwards.
George Edwards (1694-1773), was an English a naturalist who became best known as an ornithologist. Edwards was employed as a natural history painter for many years by Sir Hans Sloane, the founder of the British Museum. He excelled in painting and engraving birds and animals, but was not as well know for his flowers - although he had greater opportunity to study them after being appointed librarian to the Royal College of Physicians in 1773, on the recommendation of Sir Hans Sloane. Physicians and Surgeons had been the first to establish herbals, the forerunner of botanic gardens round the world. George Edwards was one of the artists commissioned to paint and engrave flowers for Lord Bute.
This is a superb (and rare) print. It looks wonderful when hung with previous Paeony print. Size: 67 x 49cm (27 x 19.5 inches).
Stock Number: daKGE4Price: $150.00