Antique print of strange-looking fish. Oliver Goldsmith, c1848
Chimaera, Ghost Shark or Rat Fish antique lithograph c1894.
Gurnards antique print by P.J. Smit. Lithograph c1894.
Flat Fish antique print. Chromolithograph by PJ Smit c1894.
Lancet Acanthurus. Antique fish engraving. George Shaw. c1808
Wonderful Surmullet fish antique print. George Shaw c1808.4
Fish. Salmon, Smelt and Gwiniad. George Shaw engraving c1805
Fish. Barbel, Minow & Bleak by George Shaw. c1804
Shad and Anchovy antique print George Shaw c1804
Gold-green Pike and Becuna Pike antique print c1804
Fish. Mullet Antique Print. Common Grey Mullet. Lydekker c1894
Small Crenated Mullet antique print. George Shaw c1804