Small mollusc shells. Thomas Brown antique print c1845
Snouted Acanthonotus of East Indies. George Shaw c1804
Bivalve details. Pretty little shells antique print. Sowerby c1820.
Fish. Antique Print of Barracuda and Angler-Fish. Lydekker c1894
Gilded-Black Carp, Ferruginous Carp, Violet-Green Carp antique print c1804
Small delicate Shells engraving by Sowerby c1825.
Golden Orfe and Razor Carp. George Shaw c1804
Ichthyolite. Fossilized Icthyology. Fishes in Slate, c1810
Sowerby Bivalves. Small shells engraving c1820.
Fish. Antique Print of Spotted Firm-Fin. Lydekker engraving c1894
James Sowerby shells, small antique engraving c1822.
Small shells antique print. Engraving by Sowerby c1822.