Brightwell in the County of Suffolk. Beeverell c1727.
by Beeverell, James
18th century antique print of Brightwell in Suffolk.
Brightwell Hall was extensively remodelled about 1663 by Sir Samuel Barnardiston MP, leader of the Suffolk Whigs and a deputy Governor of the East India Company. Brightwell is now a parish, in the union of Woodbridge, the hundred of Carlford, and the east division of Suffold, 5.5 miles SE of Ipswich. When a grand estate of England, in the early 18th century, Brightwell's motto was Calcar Virtutis Honor - Honour is the spur of Virtue.
Original fine copperplate-engraved view of a grand English country estate for Les Delices de la Grand Bretagne et de l'Irlande, Ouvrage tres utile et tres curieux which translates roughly as "Estates of Great Britain and Ireland, Useful and Curious Works". This exquisite little engraving (with later fine hand-tinting) is printed on watermarked paper with two vertical fold marks, for a pocket edition by James Beeverell published in 1727 by prominent mapmaker of Leyden, Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733), reducing the grand views of eminent topographical draughtsman Johannes Kip (1653-1722) for Britannia Illustrata, ... Nobility or Gentry of Great Britain, published in London circa 1708.
Plate size 13cm x 16cm (5 x 6.5 inches). Page size 15 x 20cm (6 x 8 inches), with two vertical folds for pocket publication.
Stock Number: apBeev90aPrice: $250.00