PNG. New Ireland. Duk Duk engraved text page. Garran c1888
by Garran, Andrew
This page with illustration of Duk Duk in New Ireland is one of three interesting texts on New Ireland, from "Picturesque Atlas of Australasia" published in Sydney circa 1888. There is no illustration on the reverse page.
The most comprehensive compilation of history ever done on Australia and the Pacific Islands, with over 700 illustrations engraved on wood and steel, and published in Sydney and Melbourne between 1886 and 1888 to commemorate 100 years of settlement in Australia. Published in 42 separate folders, these were often leather-bound into 3 large volumes.
Page size 44 x 32cm. It has slight foxing, and watermark damage lower right. Cleaning can be done for an additional $10 per page.
Stock Number: apPNG.Ga1Price: $20.00