Australian aboriginal people smoking bee-hives, Gwalior Plains engraving c1874
by Armytage, J.C.
Honey-hunting indigenous Australians smoking native bees, antique print... in south-east Australia at Gwalior Plains (miss-spelt Gwalor Plains).
Original steel engraving by prominent English landscape artist and engraver James Charles (J.C.) Armytage (1802-1897) after the drawing by James Howe Carr (also known as Carse), for Australia Illustrated, published by Virtue and Company in England c.1874 (with fine later hand-colour). This series of antique prints from steel engraved plates are some of the finest illustrations recording views of life around Australia during colonial times.
This finely coloured engraving is in good condition. The margins are wide, as published. Page size is 215 x 270mm. (approx 8 1/2 x 10 5/8 inches). Image, 130 x 182mm (5 1/8 x 7 1/8 inches).
Stock Number: apVau41-colPrice: $110.00