Sketches in South Australia. Adelaide, Clarendon vineyard, Collingrove, Kapunda.. c1877
The Derwent, Tasmania, hills and sheep antique print c1874
An Old Dance in a New Country c1880
Brisbane Post Office with horse-drawn double-decker bus c1886
Fine early portrait of Arthur Phillip Esq. Governor c1789
Hobart-Town, du cote des Casernes. Group de Convicts c1835
Implements of New South Wales Aborigines. Antique print c1789
Prince's Bridge & City Terminus of Railway. Melbourne ST Gill c1857
The Boadab Tree. Adansonia, Baobab Tree. Thomas Baines c1874.
1794 Survey of Settlement in New South Wales. c1888
Brisbane. First House in Brisbane, Queensland. Antique engraving c1886
Melbourne from the Botanical Gardens c1856