Melbourne from the Yarra antique engraving-lithograph c1886
New Zealand Warriors, Tahitian Natives. Defying their Enemies.
NZ Maori King Tawhiao. Matutaera, POTATAU II tattoos.
Port Adelaide in 1840. Antique Print c1886.
Sydney Heads, from the south. Hand-coloured antique engraving c1886
Cherbourg from the Sea, and Men-of-War antique print c1858
Delhi in Northern India. Fine antique engraving c1845.
Geographical Observations: Kingdom Of Tunis (Tunisia). Gravelot engraving c1738.
Inigo Jones architecture. The Mansion called Banqueting House, c1727
Italy. Ruins of Ancient Magnificent Edifices in Rome. Middleton c1777
Jamaica antique print. St Catherine's Harbour. Anson's Voyage, c1748
NW Saypan, Ladrone or Marian Islands. Anson Voyages c1748