The First Imprudence. "La Premiere Imprudence" Barbier pochoir c1920.
by Barbier, George
'The First Indiscretion'. Robe du Soir, de Beer. Evening Dress designed by Gustav de Beer.
Original fashion pochoir c1920 by George Barbier (1882-1932) for La Gazette du Bon Ton (Journal of Good Style). Between 1912 and 1925, the finest fashion illustrators introduced the latest styles by prominent French designers in this exclusive periodical. Barbier was one of the four regular contributors and his artistic style was most influential on the publication. George Barbier pochoirs show the latest fashion within charming fashion 'narratives' that beautifully convey the mood of each style, and usually with a nuance of humour. This is one of the most delightful and one of the prettiest George Barbier pochoirs.
The portrayal of fashion by the pochoir method was perfected by skilful artists in France, and pochoir, the French word for stencil, has been adopted worldwide to describe the labour-intensive process of cutting individual stencils for each successive application by hand of ink, gouache and watercolour.
Size of page is 24 x 19cm or 9.5 x 7.5 inches. Framed in elegant old-style scraffito gold-leaf, this delightful pochoir is available from Brisbane Antique Emporium for $550.
Stock Number: apGdBT21.15Price: $275.00