Framed. Pour le Golf. Lady Golf Clothes. Thayaht fashion pochoir c1924.
by Thayaht
Lady's Golf Outfit designed by Madeleine Vionnet. Thayaht fashion pochoir (by futurist Italian artist and designer Ernesto Michahelles (1893-1959), for La Gazette du Bon Ton (Journal of Good Style).
Between 1919 and 1925 Thayaht worked in Paris with couturier Madeleine Vionnet, and introduced her fashion to the public in the exclusive publication, Gazette du Bon Ton, with beautiful hand-coloured pochoir in his distinctive style. Thayaht presented fashion within swirling intersecting lines, suggestive of energy and movement - particularly suitable to display this lady golf fashion designed by Madame Vionnet.
Pochoir (French for stencil) antique prints were hand-coloured by skilful application of watercolour through separate stencils cut for each successive colour. The pochoirs for the exclusive publication, Gazette du Bon Ton, are some of the finest ever done - which is why the French word has been used internationally for these beautiful fashion studies that introduced couturiers' designs to the public 100 years ago.
This gorgeous pochoir will be treasured by any lady golfer. Size approximately 24 x 19cm or 9.5 x 7.5 inches.
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Stock Number: apF-P.G71Price: $500.00