Rycott in the County of Oxford. River Thame
by Beeverell, James
Small 18th century engraving of Rycote in Oxfordshire... with East India Deere Park, Thame Town, River Thame, and coat of Arms with motto Virtus Ariete Fortior (Virtue (or Valour) is stronger than a battering ram...
The River Thame is a tributary of the River Thames. Rycote is a hamlet 4 km (2.5 miles) southwest of Thame. Rycote is most famous for Rycote Chapel built by Richard Quartermain, which was used by most of the Tudor and Stewart monarchs on their visits to the nearby Rycote Palace. Richard Quartermain lived in Rycote manor house, which was demolished for the Tudor palace constructed in the 16th century. The palace was an important residence of King Henry VIII who spent part of his 5th honeymoon, and much time hunting, - which is why Rycote village people were replaced by animals. The palace was later demolished.
Original fine copperplate-engraved view of a grand English country estate for Les Delices de la Grand Bretagne et de l'Irlande, Ouvrage tres utile et tres curieux which translates roughly as "Estates of Great Britain and Ireland, Useful and Curious Works". This exquisite little engraving (with later fine hand-tinting with watercolour) is printed on watermarked paper with two vertical fold marks, for a pocket edition by James Beeverell published in 1727 by prominent mapmaker of Leyden, Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733), reducing the grand views of eminent topographical draughtsman Johannes Kip (1653-1722) for “Britannia Illustrata, ... Nobility or Gentry of Great Britain”, published in London circa 1708.
Plate size 13cm x 16cm (5 x 6.5 inches). Page size 15 x 20cm (6 x 8 inches), with two vertical folds for pocket publication.
Stock Number: apBeev656Price: $250.00