Bartoli, Palacio Sixta Vatican fresco after Raphael. Engraving c1677.
Bartoli Centaurs with Humans, after Raphael Vatican fresco
Framed Bartoli engraving. Vatican fresco. People with Centaurs c1677.
Beautifully framed, Cain and Abel, Raphael Loggia Arch, c1776.
Superbly framed Raphael Loggia Arch classical fresco design, c1776.
Framed, Perspective view of Raphael frescoes in Vatican Loggia c1802.
Gilded veneered frame. Raphael Pilasters front-fresco pair c1780
Gold-framed spectacular 18thC Raphael Vatican Pilaster engraving c1776.
Framed, magnificent Vatican Loggia fresco by Raphael, c1776.
Grand framed rare Raphael, Vatican pilaster fresco engraved c1776.7
Gold framed Raphael pilaster pair. Engraved antique print c1800
Beautiful gold-framed Raphael Vatican Loggia Pilaster Fresco pair. c1800.