Herculaneum fresco with section missing. Uncoloured engraving.
Pompeii, Wall of the Pantheon fresco. Antique Print c1832.
Pompeii fresco: Side of the Chamber of Leita.
Pompeii Pavement Mosaic pre-AD79. Antique Print c1832.
Pompeii. Mars and Venus with Putti, after Gell.
Pompeii Picture c1832. Classical Building with People pre-AD79.
Pompeii, Altar of Jupiter. Gell antique print c1832.
Pompeii, Pedestals in the Forum. William Gell c1832.
Pompeii, Peristyles of the Dioscus. William Gell c1832.
Pompeii. Atrium of the House of Ceres. Gell c1832.
Pompeii: Fountains of the Fullonica. Antique Print c1832
Vatican Frieze of Lady with lamp and wreath c1677.