Hesperia Skipper Butterflies. Humphreys hand-coloured lithograph c1849.
Arge Galathea (Marble White), Lasiommata Aegeria (Speckled Wood), c1849.
Hipparchia butterflies in Meadow Grass. Humphreys lithograph c1849.
Humphreys Pyrgus and Nisionades Skipper Butterflies Lithograph c1849.
Ringlet Butterflies on Heath Grass, hand-coloured lithograph. Humphreys c1849.
Argynnis Butterflies Transformations from Caterpillar & Chrysalis. Humphreys.
Delightful antique print of Butterflies, Caterpillars, Chrysalises, Plants. c1849.
Vanessa and Cynthia Butterflies wonderful antique print c1849.
Argynnis Butterflies antique print. Hand-coloured lithograph. Humphreys c1849.
Vanessa, Polychloros, Urticae, Red Currant, Elm, Stinging Nettle.
Lovely Lifecycle lithograph of Vanessa Butterflies Lifecycle. Humphreys c1849.
Argynnis Butterflies with yellow Viola lutea. Humphreys lithograph c1849.