Lepidoptera. Superb 18th century engraving of moths, c1788
George Edwards bird with butterfly, etched and engraved c1750.
Argynnis Butterflies antique print. Hand-coloured lithograph. Humphreys c1860.
Comma and Tortoiseshell butterflies, chrysalis, caterpillar. Antique print c1860.
Argynnis Butterflies with yellow Viola lutea. Humphreys lithograph c1849.
Argynnis Butterflies. caterpillars, chrysalis, pink and blue flowers.
Vanessa and Cynthia Butterflies wonderful antique print c1849.
Copper Butterflies with Yellow Iris. Butterflies antique lithograph c1849.
Butterflies Life Cycle antique print. Humphreys lithograph c1849
Transformation of Butterflies. Antique hand-colored lithograph by Humphreys.
Antique lithograph of Butterflies, Caterpillars, Chrysalises, Host Plants. c1860
Bargain discounted. Butterflies and their Transformations, antique print c1860.