Half-framed Rossney Pear fruit antique lithograph. Passmore, c1904
Half-framed Pollack Avocado lithograph by Ellen Schutt c1912
Pollack Avocado antique print. Lithograph by E.I. Schutt c1912.
Chappelow Avocado antique print. D.G. Passmore lithograph c1906.
Trapp Avocado antique print by D.G. Passmore, c1905
Pecans: San Saba, Centennial, Jewett, Frotscher, Pabst, lithograph c1904
Half-framed Pecans: Alley, Teche, Curtis, Georgia and Delmas.
Pecans. Alley, Teche, Curtis, Georgia, Delmas. Schutt lithograph c1906.
Half-framed halved and whole Pecans lithograph. Major-Owens c1912
Pecans. Major, Burkett, Warrick, Havens, Owens. Lithograph c1912
Half-framed Pecans lithograph. Taylor, Kennedy, Hodge, Bolton, Carman c1908.
Propitiously-named Pecans, whole and cross-sections. Antique Print c1905