Juicy Plums antique print. Elegant Red Plums lithograph. Hedrick c1911.
Ames Plums. Hedrick's The Plums of New York
Robinson Plum. Hedrick plums antique print c1911
Wood variety of Plum. Whole, Halved, Foliage. c1911
Surprise Plum. Red Plums antique print. Hedrick c1911
Spaulding Golden Gage Plums with foliage, seeds, c1911
Ouillins, Golden Gage Plums antique print, Hedricks c1911
Washington Golden Gage Plums antique print. Hedrick c1911
Yellow Egg Plum or Pershore Plum antique print c1911
Voronesh Yellow Plums (Hungarian Voronezh Plums). Hedrick c1911
French Plums on branch, seeds and half plum.
Middleburg Plums on branch, with half-plum and seeds