Hiley Peach with half. Fine lithograph. Deborah Passmore c1903.
Half-framed Lizzie Peach. Small antique peach lithograph. Schutt c1913.
Lizzie Peach antique print. (Lithograph only) Schutt c1903
Half-framed Russell Peach antique lithograph. Passmore c1911
Everbearing Peach and Halved Peach lithograph. Deborah Passmore c1905.
Half-framed Champion Peach antique lithograph. Amanda Newton 1908
Half-framed Carson Apple with Half. Antique Print c1905.
Half-framed Banana Apple and halved apple. Ellen Schutt c1913.
Coffman Apple above Half. Lithograph by E.I. Schutt.
Doctor Apple showing halved apple. Passmore c1904
Half-framed Ensee Apple antique lithograph. Deborah Passmore c1907
Monacy Apple antique print. E.I. Schutt lithograph c1912.