Konjak, Proteinophallus rivieri, hand-coloured lithograph, W.H. Fitch c1880
by Fitch, Walter Hood
Antique print of Konjak, now Amorphophallus konjac, China native from Yunnan. Konnyaku (yam cake) from the corm of the plant is popular in Japan and Korea.
Beautiful original lithograph, drawn and lithographed c1875 by Walter Hood Fitch (1817-1892) for Curtis's Botanical Magazine comprising Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other establishments in Great Britain, compiled by Joseph Dalton Hooker (1785-1911).
From the age of 13 Fitch was apprenticed as a pattern draftsman for a fabric printer in Scotland. He began painting botanical subjects when he was 17, after meeting Hooker who was editor of Curtis's Botanical Magazine and was himself a competent botanical illustrator. Hooker advocated "the necessity of treating scientifically the results of Horticultural skill and enterprise". Fitch's first illustration for Curtis's Botanical Magazine appeared in 1834. In 1841 Hooker became Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew, and Fitch moved to London to work for him as the sole artist. Fitch provided an enormous number of beautiful botanical illustrations - both official and unofficial - for Curtis's Botanical Magazine and Hooker. W.H. Fitch was so competent with the art of lithography that he drew directly onto the lithographic stone to save time. Hooker paid Fitch personally, but it was a dispute over payment for his work in1877 that caused Fitch to cease providing botanical illustrations for both Curtis's Botanical Magazine and for Kew Gardens. His work was much in demand and he continue working until 1888. Over 10,000 of Fitch's drawings were published in various publications - including over 2700 plates during 40 years for Curtis's Botanical Magazine.
28 x 24cm (11 x 9.5 inches), with imperceptile central horizontal fold to accommodate inclusion in the publication.
Stock Number: apCurt.bot.6195Price: $250.00