Stunning Erica glutinosa, Henry Andrews Heath coloured etching c1797.
Sweet Pea drinking from watering-can. Guisante de Olor (Spanish) c1902.
Tropolaeoleum edule. Edible-rooted Indian Cress. Joseph Paxton lithograph c1840.
Cynoglossum: Hounds-tongue, Candy Dog's-tongue c1597
Exquisite Curtis Bulb botanical engraving. Vernal Bulbocodium, c1791
Fungi. Boletus hepaticus. Liver Boletus antique print c1820
Henry Andrews Erica conferta. Heath engraving with dissections c1804
Hydrangea laid to rest. Imperial Crown Lily ascendant.
Iris bicolor. Two-coloured Flowered Iris. Paxton botanical c1840.
Rare early Lemon antique print, Cedro Grosso Bondolotto, c1714
Andrews, Erica plukenetia albens. Heath engraving. Antique print c1800
Australian Dillwynia speciosa. Showy Dillwynia Paxton botanical c1840