Javan Pyrric Semnopithecus, Le Semnipitheque pyrrhus engraving c1820
Dog-Faced Baboon, Simia Hamadryas. Rear view, climbing tree. c1800
Antique print of Coaita or Spider Monkey. Shaw c1808.
Black Long Armed Gibbon. White Long Armed Gibbon. Antique Print c1808
Diana, Wanderoo, Howling Monkey, Capuchin, Probosis, Negro Monkeys c1854.
Digby Heraldic crest, Coat of Arms with Monkeys. c1790
50% off finely engraved Didelphys derbiana, Woolly Opossum c1841.
Bargain discounted Australian Pygmy Possum, Petaurus pygmaeus. Lizars engraving c1841
Half-price Rat-tailed Opossum of Bahia, Brazil. Didelphys nudicaudata c1840.
Rat-tailed Opossum of Brazil. Small chromolithograph c1896.
50%-off Central American Didelphys tristriata, Three-Striped Possum c1840
Common Three-striped Opossum of South America. Antique Print c1894.