Cream State Carriage Horse (of Her Majesty's Stud) c1874.
Le Chinchilla Mouse antique engraving. Antique Print c1840
Mole, Mouse, Marmot, Jerboa and Hare. Brodtmann, c1827.
Monkeys and Lemurs. Le Maki nain Lemur pusillus. c1799.
Viscount Mount Edgcumbe, heraldry with greyhounds. Antique print c1790
Water-Monitors robbing eggs from a nest. Chromolithograph c1894.
A State Carriage Horse of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, c1874.
Caiman Crocodile. Caiman de la Nouvelle Irelande. Pirogue canoe c1835
Finely engraved antique print of North American Mice
Landseer, Oxen at the Tank: Geneva. Antique print c1878.
The Beggar engraved by Armytage after Edwin Landseer.
Viverra antique print. Civets, Fossa, Mongoose, Weasel, Civet c1808