Kangaroo, Indian Goat & Buck, and Akouchi. Mammals c1822.
La Naja ou Serpent a Lunettes. L'Hoemachate snakes c1835.
Leopard antique print. Beautiful hand-colored engraving. Oliver Goldsmith, c1848.
Order, Glires: Marmots, Dormouse and Squirrels antique print.
Pink Fairy Armadillo. Chlamyphorus truncatus antique engraving c1840
Audebert, Monkeys & Lemurs. Le Galeopitheque varie Galeopitecus c1799.
Capybara, Agouti, Paca. American Rodents. Brodtmann lithograph, c1827.
Ecureuil bicolore, Sciurus bicolor, Spartm. antique print c1820.
Great Ant-Eater. Superb and stylish antique print c1808
Greyhound dogs antique engraving by Butterworth & Heath. Field Sports c1878.
Kuhnert Lion and Lioness. Fine chromolithograph c1896.
Mambrino. Lithograph after the painting by George Stubbs. c1874