Channel-billed Cuckoo of New Holland, Scythrops Novae Hollandiae c1836
by Pourrat
Le Scythrops de la Nouvelle Hollande antique print.
Channel-billed Cuckoo of Northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea is the largest cuckoo found in Australia. It is found in south-east Queensland during breeding season when, being a cuckoo, it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds - most often currawongs, magpies, crows and ravens for them to look after. Although not strictly a nocturnal bird their very loud call can be heard throughout the night during breeding season... maybe a warning to the nest-owner..
Fine original hand-coloured copper-engraving published Paris circa 1836 by Pourrat Brothers for Zoology Professor, Paris Natural History Museum, Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville sur Illon, Comte de Lacepede (1756-1825), who updated and enlarged the complete 18th century natural History works of the Comte de Buffon.
Page 245 x 150mm (9.1/2 x 6 inches). Plate-impression is 235 x 133mm (9.25 x 5.25 inches). This page is in fine condition except for the edges of the page. The image is, as usual, a little off-centre, clipping the right plate-impression.
Stock Number: $125.00