The White Hawke. Antique engraving after Sarah Stone c1790
New Holland Creeper, Female. Engraved after Sarah Stone c1790
Yellow Eared Fly Catcher. Australian Honeyeater antique print c1790.
The Crested Goatsucker early engraving. John White's Journal c1789
Knob-fronted Bee Eater. Noisy Friarbird Leatherhead. Sarah Stone c1790.
New Holland Goatsucker or Crested Owlet-Nightjar. Phillip's Journal c1789.
Port Jackson Thrush 18th century antique print. White, c1790.
A Feather of the Cassowary. Aboriginal Fish Hooks c1790.
Wattled Bee Eater 18thC engraving for Phillip's Voyage, c1789.
Australian Bronze Winged Pigeon. Governor Phillip's Voyage. Stockdale c1789.
Australian Petrel. Fuliginous Peteril. Procellaria Fuliginosa engraving c1790.
Australian White Fronted Heron. Peter Mazell 18thC engraving, c1789.