Framed. Australian Snake and Muricated Lizard antique print c1789.
New-Holland Spatangus. Australian Heart-shaped Sea Urchin c1814.
Rock-flower of New South Wales, Rare 18thC Australian botany c1800.
Ascalaphus flavipes, Yellow-legged Ascalapus. Myrmeleonites from New Holland. Nodder engraving c1814
Australian Seashells. Voluta Zebra, Voluta Lineata. Nodder c1814.
Rare Australian Banksia Shrub (seedling) antique print c1801
Wattled Bee Eater 18thC engraving for Phillip's Voyage, c1789.
Australian Bronze Winged Pigeon. Governor Phillip's Voyage. Stockdale c1789.
Australian Locust, Gumleaf Grasshopper engraving. R.P. Nodder c1800
Australian Snakes. Diamond Python and Bandy Bandy,. c1789.
Blood-red Terebratula. Australian Bivalve Seashell. R.P.Nodder c1814.
Rare Australian Aster Serrata, of New South Wales, c1799.