Old World Climates according to Strabo, by Cellarius (Christopher Keller) c1732.
Controller of the winds, mythical god Aiolos is at centre top, releasing the northern wind god Aparctias from his prison cage at the north pole. 8 wind heads surround the map - north-west wind god Caurus, west wind god Zephyrus, south wind god Notus, east and south-east wind god Eurus, and north-east wind god Coecia (sometimes spelt Caicias).
Beautiful original copperplate engraving showing Europe and the prevailing winds, representing the theories of the winds by Greek geographer, philosopher and historian, Strabo (c64BC-c25AD). Fine original copperplate engraving by German scholar and historian, Cellarius (Christopher Keller) (1638-1707), for his Ancient Geography published circa 1732. This is a rare and beautiful engraving of Europe, on hand-made paper with wide margins. Later hand-colour certainly adds to the appeal of this wonderful old engraving.
Measurement to the border line is 205 x 305 mm (approximately 8 x 12 inches)